Março 25, 2025
Os eventos Kwanzaa em Miami e Fort Lauderdale começam em 26 de dezembro

Os eventos Kwanzaa em Miami e Fort Lauderdale começam em 26 de dezembro

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Jovens artistas no festival Kwanzaa Ujamaa em Fort Lauderdale.

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Jovens artistas no festival Kwanzaa Ujamaa em Fort Lauderdale.

Since the first Kwanzaa event was observed in 1966, the weeklong celebration of African American and Pan-African culture has allowed observers to better connect with Africana culture and values.

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South Florida has diverse Black communities and Kwanzaa observers have options to celebrate in the region.


Here’s what to know about the holiday:

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The principles of Kwanzaa


From Dec. 26 to Jan. 1, seven principles with Swahili names are observed for the holiday:


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O Kwanzaa é comemorado de 26 de dezembro a 1º de janeiro. Aqui está uma mesa preparada para a celebração de 2011 no Centro de Artes Culturais do Patrimônio Africano.
O Kwanzaa é comemorado de 26 de dezembro a 1º de janeiro. Cá está uma mesa preparada para a celebração de 2011 no Núcleo de Artes Culturais do Patrimônio Africano. Arauto de Miami Registo

Umoja: Unity


Kujichagulia: Self-determination

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Ujima: Collective work and responsibility


Ujamaa: Cooperative economics

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Nia: Purpose


Kuumba: Creativity

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Imani: Faith


On the sixth day of Kwanzaa, a feast called Karamu Ya Imani is eaten and gifts are given on the seven day. The secular festivities are open to people of all backgrounds.

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Kwanzaa events


Kwanzaa começa em 26 de dezembro e vai até 1º de janeiro.
Kwanzaa começa em 26 de dezembro e vai até 1º de janeiro. Registo do Miami Herald

Here are details on several Kwanzaa events happening in South Florida:

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Miami-Dade County


Knowledge Is Power Kwanzaa


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Two different all-ages events at Miami-Dade libraries allow Kwanzaa observers to participate in creative writing workshops and discussions while celebrating the principles of Kwanzaa.


The first event is Tuesday, Dec. 26 at Little River’s Arcola Lakes Branch Library, 8240 NW Seventh Ave., Miami.


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The second is Saturday, Dec. 30 at the North Dade Regional Branch Library, 2455 NW 183rd St., Miami Gardens.


Kwanzaa Experience: M Ensemble Company Event


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Performers from the M Ensemble Company will showcase their dance skills in this show on Tuesday night, at 7 p.m. Dec. 26, at Little Haiti’s Sandrell Rivers Theater, 6103 NW Seventh Ave. It celebrates the African culture and principles at the center of Kwanzaa.


Broward County


Kwanzaa Ujamaa at Bass Park

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Visit Fort Lauderdale’s Bass Park, 2750 NW 19th St., from 2 to 6 p.m. Friday, Dec. 29 for the Kwanzaa Ujamaa festival. The festival celebrates the Kwanzaa principle of Ujamaa, or cooperative economics. Entertainers and vendors will be present at this family-friendly a celebration of African traditions.


Palm Beach County


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Kwanzaa Celebration By African American Research Library & Cultural Center of Palm Beach County


In another event designed to celebrate Ujamaa, Black musicians, artists and performers will assemble at Palm Beach County’s Gaines Park / Back Pavillion, 1501 N. Australian Ave., from 2:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Friday, Dec. 29 for the county’s celebration. Now in its third year, the event will also recognize the achievements of local South Florida Black business people.

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Imagem do perfil de Michael Butler

Michael Butler escreve sobre o setor imobiliário residencial e mercantil e as tendências do mercado imobiliário sítio. Assim uma vez que a população diversificada de Miami, Butler, formado pela Temple University, tem raízes locais e legado panamenha.


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